The University Insight System
- University Insight provides secure, reliable dashboards that put university data at users' fingertips.
- Powered by Pyramid Analytics™ reporting software and in partnership with Blackboard Analytics™.
- The office of Academic Affairs maintains a Blackboard Analytics™ license for the entire campus.
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The Faculty Insight System
- Faculty Insight provides secure, reliable web-based tool that allow faculty to manage their research, teaching, and service activities.
- Powered by Digital Measures' Activity Insight™.
- The Office of Academic Affairs maintains an Activity Insight™ license for the entire campus.
- Visit the UNL Digital Measures campus authentication web page to log-in to Faculty Insight™.
Go to The Faculty Insight Request access to Faculty Insight
The NU WebFOCUS System
- WebFocus™ is a University-wide reporting system that provides secure, reliable access to official university data. The system uses Firefly™ usernames and passwords. The Office of Institutional Research and Planning currently maintains the data and reports on the site and the University of Nebraska Office of the President holds the license for all NU campuses.
Go to the NU WebFOCUS More info & Request access to NU WebFOCUS
Data Cookbook
- The Data Cookbook exists to help you and your colleagues effectively and efficiently create report specifications with all the right details so that your PeopleSoft reports can be built right the first time.